Control Panel — API Documentation



This API returns historical viewer information about your Streams and VOD files. Optionally, results can be limited by specific streams or VOD file paths. The results can be structured in various ways by setting the graph parameter, and can be shown by the minute, hour, or day. Information by the minute can be seen for 7 days by the hour can be seen for 45 days, and afterwards all information is shown by the day. A starting time can be set to show results on or after a date and time.

Example Code (PHP)

    $request = array(
        'command' => 'viewer.log',
        'api_key' => 'APX4GKLM0RKQLSP2FBO1ROPKSSW47DZE',
        'timestamp' => time(),
        'cdn' => 158,
        'app' => 'demo-origin',
        'graph' => 1 ,
        'url' => 'sestore3/username/path/filename.mp4', /* optional */
        'starttime' => '2014-09-21 15:00:00',           /* optional */
        //Create request signature
    $json_request = json_encode($request);
    $sig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $json_request,
        '8fc8c48da81e6a2a06a9556379bf798af508dc0792497c678b4c3532ba8b637f', true));
    $request['signature'] = $sig;
    $json_request = json_encode($request);
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); // Set the URL
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); // Perform a POST
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // If not set, curl prints output to the browser
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); // If set, curl returns headers as part of the data stream
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('json' => $json_request)); //'Json' string or 'PHP' serialized return
    //If your PHP host does not have a proper SSL certificate bundle, you will need to turn off SSL Certificate Verification
    //This is dangerous, and should only be done temporarily until a proper certificate bundle can be installed
    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); // Turns off verification of the SSL certificate.
    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Turns off verification of the SSL certificate.
    $response = curl_exec($ch); //Execute the API Call
    if (!$response) {
        die('Failed to connect to ScaleEngine API');
    //Decode the response as an associative array 
    $arrResponse = json_decode($response, true); 
    if ($arrResponse) {
        //Operation completed successfully
        //TODO Add work here
    } else {
        //Operation failed
        echo 'An error occured processing your request:';

Request Fields

command [REQUIRED] [string] - API command to execute
cdn [REQUIRED] [int] - The ScaleEngine CDN ID of your account
api_key [REQUIRED] [string] - The API key provided as part of your account
timestamp [REQUIRED] [int] - The unix timestamp of your request, used to prevent authenticated API requests from being replayed
  • [string] - The ScaleEngine Application Name
  • [int] - The unique id of the ScaleEngine Application
  • [array] - Array of one or more ScaleEngine Application names or ids
  • [string] - The stream name or path of the VOD video. VOD examples look like like: sestore3/username/path/filename.mp4
  • [string] - The stream name or VOD path separated by a pipe, optionally with wildcards. This allows for things like multi-bitrate streams or files.
    Example: mystream_* will match mystream_720p and mystream_360p.
  • [array] - Array of stream names, VOD paths, or wildcard strings.
graph [REQUIRED] [int] - range 1-4 based on the type of viewer information breakdown you wish to see. Data by the minute is kept for 15 days, hourly data for 45 days, further breakdowns will be displayed by day.
1 - 6 hour breakdown by the minute
2 - 24 hour breakdown by the minute
3 - 7 day breakdown by the hour
4 - 30 day breakdown by the day
starttime [OPTIONAL] [string] - The date and time you wish the results to start.

Example Result (JSON)

    "message": "Found viewers",
    "status": "success",
    "data": [{
        "app": "demo-origin",
        "video_url": "sestore3/username/path/filename.mp4",
        "viewer_count_avg": 20,
        "viewer_count_min": 10,
        "viewer_count_max": 30,
        "viewer_count_sum": 100,
        "time": "2014-09-21 15:11:00",
    "handle_time":"0.3795 seconds"

Result Fields

message [string] - Debugging message
status [string] - "success" or "failure"
data [array] - Array of viewer records
app [string] - The ScaleEngine Application name
video_url [string] - The stream name or path of the VOD video.
viewer_count_avg [int] - The average number of viewers from the requested servers, or across all servers if no server was requested
viewer_count_min [int] - The minimum number of viewers from the requested servers, or across all servers if no server was requested
viewer_count_max [int] - The maximum number of viewers from the requested servers, or across all servers if no server was requested
viewer_count_sum [int] - The total number of viewers from the requested servers, or across all servers if no server was requested
time [string] - date and time when viewer log was updated
handle_time [float] - The amount of time spent processing your request