Control Panel — API Documentation



This API updates an existing playlist's configuration. A Playlist can be configured to play through its list once, to loop continuously, or to fallback to a previous playlist after it has finished. A playlist that is active can be disabled, or rescheduled.

Updating your Google Anayltics key will cause all playlists that run on the same channel to have their GA keys updated as well.

Example Code (PHP)

    $request = array(
        'command' => 'channel.updatechannel',
        'api_key' => 'APX4GKLM0RKQLSP2FBO1ROPKSSW47DZE',
        'timestamp' => time(),
        'cdn' => 158,
        'channel_id' => 1000,
        'app' => 'jb-chorigin', 
        'name' => 'My first playlist',
        'stream' => 'my_channel_stream_name',
        'repeat' => 1,
        'active' => 0,
        'scheduled' => '2014-10-13 15:00:00',
        'ga_key' => '' //optional
        //Create request signature
    $json_request = json_encode($request);
    $sig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $json_request,
        '8fc8c48da81e6a2a06a9556379bf798af508dc0792497c678b4c3532ba8b637f', true));
    $request['signature'] = $sig;
    $json_request = json_encode($request);
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); // Set the URL
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); // Perform a POST
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // If not set, curl prints output to the browser
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); // If set, curl returns headers as part of the data stream
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('json' => $json_request)); //'Json' string or 'PHP' serialized return
    //If your PHP host does not have a proper SSL certificate bundle, you will need to turn off SSL Certificate Verification
    //This is dangerous, and should only be done temporarily until a proper certificate bundle can be installed
    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); // Turns off verification of the SSL certificate.
    //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Turns off verification of the SSL certificate.
    $response = curl_exec($ch); //Execute the API Call
    if (!$response) {
        die('Failed to connect to ScaleEngine API');
    //Decode the response as an associative array 
    $arrResponse = json_decode($response, true); 
    if ($arrResponse) {
        //Operation completed successfully
        //TODO Add work here
    } else {
        //Operation failed
        echo 'An error occured processing your request:';

Request Fields

command [REQUIRED] [string] - API command to execute
cdn [REQUIRED] [int] - The ScaleEngine CDN ID of your account
api_key [REQUIRED] [string] - The API key provided as part of your account
timestamp [REQUIRED] [int] - The unix timestamp of your request, used to prevent authenticated API requests from being replayed
channel_id [REQUIRED] [int] - The unique ID of the Playlist
app [OPTIONAL][string] - Application name
name [REQUIRED] [string] - A descriptive name given to the playlist.
stream [REQUIRED] [string] - Name of the Channel on which the playlist will be shown.
repeat [REQUIRED] [int] - Configures how the playlist should be handled when it is finished.
0 - Channel will shutdown, until the next scheduled playlist.
1 - Playlist will loop continuously, until a new playlist is scheduled.
active [REQUIRED] [int] - Marks the playlist to be played when the scheduled time comes due, or at the next interval if no scheduled time is set.
1 - active
0 - inactive
scheduled [OPTIONAL] [string] - The date and time that the playlist should be shown on the Channel. If not provided and no other playlist has been scheduled, this playlist will play automatically.
ga_key [OPTIONAL] [String] - The Google analytics (GA) key to be used when a stream or channel is viewed. This key is used to capture viewer data and send it to the associated GA account. GA Keys saved to a channel will be applied to all playlists on that channel, and if no key is provided the default GA key for the your ScaleEngine account will be used. (default "")

Example Result (JSON)

    "message": "Updated channel details",
    "status": "success",
    "handle_time":"0.3795 seconds"

Result Fields

message [string] - Debugging message
status [string] - "success" or "failure"
handle_time [float] - The amount of time spent processing your request