The Player object controls the various settings for generating embed code. Once created the Player will contain an UUID that is used to as the identifier for the embed endpoint.
can be a version number, such as
which will cause the version of the player being loaded to never
change, or a string such as
or latest
Stable will always point to the latest well tested version we carry.
Latest will point to the latest version, regardless of any issues
it may have. A good system is to point your production players
at stable, but point any testing or admin players at latest,
so you get a heads up of any changes.
Universally Unique Identifier
Sample value:ed6c1e8b-4c13-41dc-b065-34cbffcdc1c7
Player Name
May only contain alpha numerical characters, dashes (-), underscores (_), and spaces( )
Sample value:My Player Name
Application Name
The application name must begin with "username-"
Sample value:username-origin
Stream Name
May only contain alpha numerical characters, dashes (-), and underscores (_)
Sample value:mystreamname
Only for:
embed_type: live
Path to the Video-on-Demand file
Must begin with "sestore(#)/username/" and may only contain alpha numeric characters, dashes (-), underscores (_), slashes (/), and decimals (.)
Sample value:sestore1/username/play_this_file.mp4
Player Version
May only contain alpha numerical characters and decimals (.)
Sample value:0.3.8
Watermark Image
RFC 2396 compliant URL
Sample value:
Watermark Position on the Player
Enum:bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right
Sample value:bottom-right
Watermark Link URL
RFC 2396 compliant URL
Sample value:
[Not Implemented]Locks the player to one or more domains
RFC 2396 compliant URL
Sample value:
Limits the Resolution to the height and width provided
Sample value:true
Embed players on a website
Get the Players object with id ed6c1e8b-4c13-41dc-b065-34cbffcdc1c7.
curl --user 158:8fc8c48da81e6a2a06a9556379bf798af508dc0792497c678b4c3532ba8b637f
{ "id": "N/A", "cdn_id": "8123", "uuid": "ed6c1e8b-4c13-41dc-b065-34cbffcdc1c7", "name": "My Player Name", "app": "username-origin", "stream": "mystreamname", "play_path": "sestore1/username/play_this_file.mp4", "is_smil": "false", "embed_type": "vod", "protocol": "hls", "player": "clappr", "player_version": "0.3.8", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "aspect_ratio": "16/9", "watermark_image": "", "watermark_position": "bottom-right", "watermark_url": "", "poster_url": "", "ga_key": "UA-123456-1", "vast_url": "https://path/to/vast.xml", "domain_lock": "", "limit_resolution": "true", "auto_play": "false", "sevu": "false", "responsive": "false", "bif": "false", "last_updated": "2019-12-17 12:14:00" }
Create a new Players object.
curl -X PUT --data-binary @/path/to/request/body --user 158:8fc8c48da81e6a2a06a9556379bf798af508dc0792497c678b4c3532ba8b637f
{ "name": "My Player Name", "app": "username-origin", "play_path": "sestore1/username/play_this_file.mp4", "is_smil": "false", "embed_type": "vod", "protocol": "hls", "player": "clappr", "player_version": "0.3.8", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "aspect_ratio": "16/9", "watermark_image": "", "watermark_position": "bottom-right", "watermark_url": "", "poster_url": "", "ga_key": "UA-123456-1", "vast_url": "https://path/to/vast.xml", "domain_lock": "", "limit_resolution": "true", "auto_play": "false", "sevu": "false", "responsive": "false", "bif": "false" }
{ "id": "N/A", "cdn_id": "8123", "uuid": "ed6c1e8b-4c13-41dc-b065-34cbffcdc1c7", "name": "My Player Name", "app": "username-origin", "stream": "mystreamname", "play_path": "sestore1/username/play_this_file.mp4", "is_smil": "false", "embed_type": "vod", "protocol": "hls", "player": "clappr", "player_version": "0.3.8", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "aspect_ratio": "16/9", "watermark_image": "", "watermark_position": "bottom-right", "watermark_url": "", "poster_url": "", "ga_key": "UA-123456-1", "vast_url": "https://path/to/vast.xml", "domain_lock": "", "limit_resolution": "true", "auto_play": "false", "sevu": "false", "responsive": "false", "bif": "false", "last_updated": "2019-12-17 12:14:00" }
Update the Players object with id ed6c1e8b-4c13-41dc-b065-34cbffcdc1c7.
curl -X POST --data-binary @/path/to/request/body --user 158:8fc8c48da81e6a2a06a9556379bf798af508dc0792497c678b4c3532ba8b637f
{ "name": "My Player Name", "app": "username-origin", "play_path": "sestore1/username/play_this_file.mp4", "is_smil": "false", "embed_type": "vod", "protocol": "hls", "player": "clappr", "player_version": "0.3.8", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "aspect_ratio": "16/9", "watermark_image": "", "watermark_position": "bottom-right", "watermark_url": "", "poster_url": "", "ga_key": "UA-123456-1", "vast_url": "https://path/to/vast.xml", "domain_lock": "", "limit_resolution": "true", "auto_play": "false", "sevu": "false", "responsive": "false", "bif": "false" }
{ "id": "N/A", "cdn_id": "8123", "uuid": "ed6c1e8b-4c13-41dc-b065-34cbffcdc1c7", "name": "My Player Name", "app": "username-origin", "stream": "mystreamname", "play_path": "sestore1/username/play_this_file.mp4", "is_smil": "false", "embed_type": "vod", "protocol": "hls", "player": "clappr", "player_version": "0.3.8", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "aspect_ratio": "16/9", "watermark_image": "", "watermark_position": "bottom-right", "watermark_url": "", "poster_url": "", "ga_key": "UA-123456-1", "vast_url": "https://path/to/vast.xml", "domain_lock": "", "limit_resolution": "true", "auto_play": "false", "sevu": "false", "responsive": "false", "bif": "false", "last_updated": "2019-12-17 12:14:00" }
Delete the Players object with id ed6c1e8b-4c13-41dc-b065-34cbffcdc1c7.
curl -X DELETE --user 158:8fc8c48da81e6a2a06a9556379bf798af508dc0792497c678b4c3532ba8b637f
You do not have access to modify this field
Missing one or more required fields
Data type does not conform to required field type
The value exceeded maximum length allowed
May only contain alpha numerical characters, dashes (-), underscores (_), and spaces( )
The application name must begin with "username-"
This field is only valid when used with another field
May only contain alpha numerical characters, dashes (-), and underscores (_)
Must begin with "sestore(#)/username/" and may only contain alpha numeric characters, dashes (-), underscores (_), slashes (/), and decimals (.)
The value must match one of the predefined values
May only contain alpha numerical characters and decimals (.)
RFC 2396 compliant URL